Tuesday, February 07, 2006


"He came,He talked, He studied."

Doesnt the above phrase sound familiar (to Diamond guys).Presenting to you , the most incredible thing that can ever happen to the ece dept, he is none other than the great kramaa.One mention of the name kramaa is enough to bring into your head a host of things like Pallakad,chaaat,studies,9.5,quiz,dance(?), and blah blah.....

This is the most punctual species on planet earth which goes into sleep mode as the clock strikes 11pm and gets up with a bang at 6am (even before the alarm clock starts to ring).Nightout is something which does not appear in his dictionary. He makes irritating noises while taking out the bucket from underneath his bed and awakens everyone else in his room.Its not long before he finishes his prayers and makes a trip to the mess and his back for his 30-minute study hour.This is one krama's specialities,the time between 7.30am to 8am, during which he oscillates inside the room,book in hand,trying hard to mug and force maximum stuff into his head.
1)He says" I am only reading not studying"(chaaaat)This means " I am studying now. But I dont study always"
He starts of at 8.15 sharp for 8.30 lectures,he is in charge of the first bench in class.
One unsolvable quiz or crossward or Dumb-C(His new 4-day old hobby), and the frequency of oscillations starts to increase.He bangs the table, tears his hair in frustration,curses himself,disturbes his poor roommates who have just come from class and trying to figure out why this guy is making so much noise.
The third sem performance was bad ,I heard him say many a time, my gpa is 8.88.Life ruined.Boo--hooo,what will i do. My cg is no longer above 9.5.Thats where boxy steps into the picture and they have innumerable fights on gpa's and cg's.
Come cycle test time; 2 hours prior to the exam when people are asking each other the portion for the cycle,this chap has already solved all possible papers from 2003 to 1998.If he does not get a answer to a particular question, poor guy gets absolutely tensed up and the whole ece group is at his doorstep!
2)Sometimes you will find him reading a novel 2 hours before the exam.You ask him whether he has finished everything and this is what he says
"No,I mean I have just read everything many times.This prof will screws us very badly no matter how well we have studied."
This should be read as " I have studied everything countless number of times.No matter however tough the paper is,I am prepared for it.
3)After coming from the exam ,if you ask him how did he do,this is what he says.
"I havent disscussed the answers yet. So I donno how much i got wrong or correct." ( Stupid fundaa).
It simply means" Good paper for me! Not so good for other guys!
Once in every 2 weeks he is off to the ultimate holiday destination-Pallakad!I opened his bag once when he was about to leave.It was packed with a cartload of bucks stuffed inside like sardines.
4)If you ask him why does he go so often, he is quick to reply."I go there to have fun and freak out. Life here is boring during weekends.Basically nothing new to do. (boring up your ass).
He really means this"If I stay here and study, you guys will wont let me live in peace."

krama is a bundle of endless energy.Almost everyone who comes to Diamond mess,will have seen this very fast and furious , hunchbacked figure barging into the mess with the speed which could put even a bullet train to shame.Very few people in the hostel know of one weakness krama has.It is his affinity towards buttermilk.He gulps down gallons of buttermilk and in the process empties half the huge container.He comes to the mess as regularly as anyone to a ritual.He loves mess food and will NEVER miss the b'fast,lunch and dinner.He is second only to boxy to set foot into the mess, for dinner.
5)Goes to the snacky once a month!
When asked the reason why ,this is what he said"I don't find anything wrong with the mess food.I think it is improving."
This means " Are you crazy!Spending money ,me? no chance!I am a miser. If satish anna gives food for free I will surely eat there.
Possibly one of the most weirdest creations, krama and his actions are unparalleled.He has lots of of hidden talents inside him.It was the 28th of Feb,somewhere around 8.30pm, venue was the barn!A master hypnotist had called 50-odd people onto stage and put them into trance and made them do things which they wouldnt have thought of doing if they were in their right senses.But Eureka! What do we see here?? A person in the audience section doing the bharatnatyam ,then switching over to western the next moment! It dint take me long to realise that he was krama.My heart was filled with uncontrollable emotions. After all it was my roommate!He made us really proud!It took a big event like Pragyan to showcase his hidden talents and he did that in style and in a very nonchalant way.



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